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Re: logfile problems

1997-01-01 19:58:18
On Wed, 1 Jan 1997, Doug Muth wrote:

procmail: Extraneous locallockfile ignored

I've seen this when I have a recipe like this:

                :0:     # the second ':' is wrong.
                * [condition]
                [nested block]

I think the error means you you've designated a lockfile with ":"
after the ":0" on a recipe that leads to something that isn't a file
that can be locked. I've also gotten the same error when using it on a
forarding recipe or piping to some other than '[command] >> file'. 

Procmail in the latter case looks at what file comes after the first
'>>' in the pipe and locks that file. So look at your recipes for
unecessary or innappropriate lockfiles. I'm still learning...


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