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Re: [Procmail] Help - How do I filter BCCs/Mailing Lists?

1997-01-01 20:21:38
Hi Eric!  I'm a programmer and I want to do dumb things!
How do I set procmail to forward messages sent to a mailing list (i.e.
there is nothing in the To: field to indicate exactly who the email is
being sent to - it is hidden somewhere).  I am having the same trouble
with emails sent to a BCC: recipient.  Since the actual address is not in
the To: or CC: section, it slips by my recipes.

        Well, what you need to do is get several messages form the same 
mailing list, find a line they have in common, and have a recipe based on 
that line.  Here is my recipe for this mailing list:
# bounce Procmail posts

:0 E:
* ^Resent-From: procmail(_at_)Informatik(_dot_)RWTH-Aachen(_dot_)DE
* !^Subject:.*[[]Procmail[]]
| sed s/^"Subject:"/"Subject: [Procmail]"/ \
| formail -A"X-procmail-notice: Subject header(s) modified" >>$MAILDIR/tech
:0 E:

        Note that the header I am checking is Recent-From:.  This isn't 
always 100% accurate, but it works well enough for me.


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