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Help with auto-reply

1997-03-10 08:38:00

        I know that this SHOULD be easy but for some reason i am having lots of 
with this. When a message comes into my mailbox with a subject of test, sent 
out a  
message saying i recieve your message and then place the message into a mailbox.
        Well i can do each  of these task alone, but not together...
        If anyone has any good examples of this basic concept please feel free 
to e-mail  
them to me.

  * ^Subject: *test
  | ($FORMAIL -r -A"Precedence: LOW - You been auto-responded" -I"Subject: Ya 
ya I got  
your message";\
   cat /tmp/message.txt) | $SENDMAIL -ts

# More testing
   * ^Subject.*xxx
   |appnmail IN.testing

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