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Re: 'OR'ed conditions

1997-03-26 09:42:14
"Roy" == Roy Rapoport <rsr(_at_)aonix(_dot_)com> writes:

Roy> These conditions are 'And'ed, so all of them have to be
Roy> satisfied.

Roy> Is there a way to specify 'OR'ing of these conditions, or do I
Roy> need to do a separate recipe for each of them?

Use scoring:
* 9876543210^0 condition1
* 9876543210^0 condition2
* condition3

condition3 must be fulfilled, as well as one of condition1 or condition2.

See man 5 procmailsc for details. procmail treats the number
9876543210 as `infinitely large'. Therefore, it will skip all
following scoring recipes.

Guy Geens <guy(_dot_)geens(_at_)iname(_dot_)com>
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