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Re: Question about user-name+xxxx(_at_)host style addresses

1997-03-28 20:00:17

On March 28, 1997, "Simeon ben Nevel" 
<Simeon(_dot_)Nevel(_at_)Schwab(_dot_)COM> said:
Awhile ago I remember a discussion of using a style of To: addresses like 


Where the SMTP daemon will automagically know to deliver to my 
snevel(_at_)wco(_dot_)com mailbox.

How is this set-up?  Is it a function of a particular mail-server?  Is it 
hard to administer?

I can see *lots* of utility for this as a budding procmail user and would 
like to ask my ISP about it, but I don't know what to ask them about.

Heya, Simeon.

As you'll notice from my sig, I use this feature a lot.

It's actually quite easy to administer (it's actually transparent), 
and the last time I configured my mail server, it was the default

This seems to be the case with Sendmail 8.7.5 and above (I'm not saying
it's not the case with earlier v.8 sendmail, I just haven't touched it).

           Roy S. Rapoport / rsr(_at_)aonix(_dot_)com / phone:415-543-0900
               Email rsr+services(_at_)aonix(_dot_)com for info on how
                to contact me, get my PGP public key, etc.
      Paul Vixie took my pen and all I got was this lousy .signature