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Re: scanning the body of a message

1997-05-08 12:34:00
Wotan <wotan(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com> writes:
I have an exceptionally long list of domains for the latest binge of
e-mail sex-spams.  :(

The spammers for these domains are getting throw-away accounts elsewhere,
and advertising their domains from these accounts.  The bodies of all
the e-mails contain a URL pointing to the offender's domain.

Is there an option other than scanning the body like this:

* http://www\.(siteone|sitetwo|sitethree)

My list of sex domains 70+ long, making the above method hard to read.  :( 

    :0 B
    * ? fgrep -f file-containing-plain-strings-to-search-for-one-per-line

If your really want regexps then use grep or egrep as appropriate.

Philip Guenther