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Re: scanning the body of a message

1997-05-09 09:49:00
"Wotan" == Wotan  <wotan(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com> writes:

Wotan> How will this work?

Wotan> :0 B 
Wotan> * ? sed -e 's/^/http:\/\/www\./' $PMDIR/sexspam
Wotan> /dev/null

It won't work. The sed will take all the lines from the sexspam file,
prepend them with http://www. and print that to its stdout (which is
/dev/null IIRC).

This will always work (I think it will - my man page doesn't specify
exit codes), and all messages will be thrown away.

I think the answer lies in a perl script, but I'm too tired to write
it right now.

Guy Geens <ggeens(_at_)iname(_dot_)com>
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