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Procmail choking on attachm

1997-05-08 12:40:00
 Aaaaaarrrrggggghhhh!!!                          Procmail choking on


We use procmail as a filtration system for postmaster undeliverable mail to
weed out repititive unknown user responses from mailng lists and spam mailers.
 however, often times undeliverables are due to typos or temporarily down
mailcenters etc...


Procmail seems to choke and timeout on large 2 + megabyte files.  


Since these large files are typically files with attachments I was curious if
there was a way to tell procmail within the rc file to only grep the first 30
lines or so of each message?  If so, can this be set as a universal or does it
need to be in each filter string?  I can't use the header only grep as I need
to filter within the mail body to prevent over filtering.


David Little

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