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Re: some problems...

1997-05-20 16:35:00
"Roman V. Isaev" <rm(_at_)techno(_dot_)ru> writes:
On Tue, May 20, 1997 at 02:01:45PM -0500, Philip Guenther wrote:
Why aren't you just using the procmail mailer created via the
line in your .mc file?  You *are* creating your from a .mc file,

      Nope :( Our is tweaked to the point where everything is
standing on its head... I don't understad 99% of it and don't want to touch
working thing (how I'll repair it?!).

All the more reason to rip it out and start afresh.  Stop worrying
about what it currently does and start thinking about what it _should_
do.  Of course, I recommend that test it *very* thoroughly before
installing it...

Anyway, if nothing else you should change the A= directive in the above to
something like:
     A=procmail -Y -m $h $f $u
The -p is pointless (sendmail always flushes the environment), and the
"-f $g" bit should be replaced with the 'f' flag in the F= directive.
As for the -m, well, check the manpage.  This should take care of your
"running as root" problem, if nothing else.

      Well... I did that... chowned /etc/procmailrcs/halyava to 
user halyava... still it runs as root :(

Mhalyava,P=/usr/local/bin/procmail.halyava, F=qfSPls89DFMhun, S=10/30, R=20/40
M=100000, T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix, U=halyava, A=procmail -Y -m $h $f $u
| touch /tmp/test
-rw-------   1 root     www     0 May 21 00:37 test

What OS is this, with what version of procmail?  I'm assuming your procmail
is setuid root.  What are the permissions on /etc/procmailrcs and its
contents?  Oh, and what happens if you remove the "U=halyava," directive
from the mailer definition?

Philip Guenther

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