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Re: some problems...

1997-05-20 22:29:00
"Roman V. Isaev" <rm(_at_)techno(_dot_)ru> writes:
      Something is going here... after some tinkering with 
contents of /etc/procmailrcs/halyava (I'll be damned if I know what
was changed...) it started to work as user halyava, but with group 
wheel. Worse, it now says:

procmail: Executing "perl -0777 -pe 's:\n+:|:g;s:[\s|]+$::;' /u/halyava/.bozos
No -e allowed in setuid scripts.
procmail: Assigning "BOZOS="

Actually, there are two easy ways to solve the above:

1) Put the perl code in a script:

        #!/usr/local/bin/perl -0777 -p

2) (prefered) Regenerate the regexp from the list in the source file
        (.bozos) when you change that file, not everytime procmail is
        invoked.  This has the additional benefit of being faster and
        more efficient.  Stephen posted an example of doing this to
        the list recently. If you missed check the archives at

Philip Guenther

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