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Re: some problems...

1997-05-20 21:43:00
"Roman V. Isaev" <rm(_at_)techno(_dot_)ru> writes:
On Tue, May 20, 1997 at 05:32:24PM -0500, Philip Guenther wrote:
All the more reason to rip it [the] out and start afresh.
Stop worrying about what it currently does and start thinking about what
it _should_ do.  Of course, I recommend that test it *very* thoroughly
before installing it...

      Alas, it's impossible. System is maintained by more experienced
people than me, sendmail itself is tweaked to do extra logging (grabbing more
money from customers :), its configs are really complicated with several
unusual fatures, etc :(

Okay, that's their problem then.  As long as you're getting the envelope
recipient on the command line you should be fine.

What OS is this, with what version of procmail?  

The config all looks good.

Oh, and what happens if you remove the "U=halyava," directive
from the mailer definition?

      Something is going here... after some tinkering with 
contents of /etc/procmailrcs/halyava (I'll be damned if I know what
was changed...) it started to work as user halyava, but with group 
wheel. Worse, it now says:

procmail: Executing "perl -0777 -pe 's:\n+:|:g;s:[\s|]+$::;' /u/halyava/.bozos
No -e allowed in setuid scripts.
procmail: Assigning "BOZOS="

Ick, perl's being too smart and is detecting the fact that EGID != RGID.

I'm going to send another copy of the bottom of this message to Stephen,
the author of procmail, to see if he has any ideas on what to do here.

Philip Guenther

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