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Re: (\>|)

1997-06-04 15:00:00
On Wed, 4 Jun 1997, David W. Tamkin wrote:

|  >       * ^Subject: (join|subscribe) list(\>|)
|  > What is your opinion of this expression?

Era replied, in part,

|   The expression (\>|) looks like it used to be (\>.*|)$ but got
| "improved" somewhere along the way ... (\>.*)?$ might be more readable
| if you want that.

If it's the last part of the regular expression,  (\>.*)?$  is just a
long way of saying  \>  (remember that \< and \> can match newlines).

I left the $ dollar sign off the original. What I meant was (\>|$)

If I gather what you're saying, a simple \> is sufficient?

Is it a good idea to replace white spaces with [        ] with a tab inside?



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