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Re: Those Curly Brackets

1997-06-18 03:16:00

Can somebody tell me the functional difference between:

# Divert Read Receipts to their own mailbox,
# But check the body to ensure this isn't a regular
# mailing with the title "Read Receipt".
*^Subject: (Read Receipt|Empfangsbestaetigung)
*^(Your message regarding|Ihre Mitteilung bezueglich)
| appnmail ReadReceipts


*^Subject: (Read Receipt|Empfangsbestaetigung)
{ }
*^(Your message regarding|Ihre Mitteilung bezueglich)
| appnmail ReadReceipts

... because I can't see it.  If this is right, isn't the first form  
a more logical and self explanatory layout.

el bid

There's a fundamental difference: In the first case there is a dependency
between the two recipes (if 1. condition => 2. recipe is choosen), and in
the second case what happens is, that if 1. condition => deliver to default




  Robert Klemme
    computer science and philosophy
      at University of Paderborn, Germany
        email: kle(_at_)uni-paderborn(_dot_)de

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