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Re: HTML attachments

1997-06-26 03:40:00
"Wotan" == Wotan  <wotan(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com> writes:

Wotan> This be untested, but feel free to try it though:

Wotan> :0 B
Wotan> ^----*.*$^Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit$^Content-Type: text/html
Wotan> {
Wotan> :0 B
Wotan> | sed "/^----*.*$^Content-Transfer-Encoding: 
7bit$^Content-Type:text\/html/,$ d"
Wotan> }

Won't work: sed doesn't do multi-line matching. Maybe if you use the
hold space, but I'm not that far into the _sed & awk_ book. perl would

Also, I don't see why you need the braces.

* ^----*.*$^Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit$^Content-Type: text/html
| perl -0777pe 's/^----*.*^Content-Transfer-Encoding: 

This should all be one line. Untested as always.

Guy Geens <ggeens(_at_)iname(_dot_)com>
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