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Re: Dealing with duplicate messages

1997-07-13 04:30:00
On Sat, 12 Jul 97 20:16 EDT, 
(Eli the Bearded) wrote:
# Deal with duplicates, as determined by Message-ID, but not if they
# have been looped through for multiple passes.
# :0 Wh: msgid.lock
* ! ^X-loop:.*
| formail -D 32768 msgid.cache
     # Put dupes in a dupe file

How's this instead:

    * ! ^ X-Loop:.*qz\.little-neck\.ny\.us
    * ? formail -D 32768 msgid.cache

This is simpler than Timothy's suggestion because we can use the cache
checking built into formail, obviating the need for a separate cleanup
script and so forth.

Also has anyone written a program that works just like 'formail -D'
for arbitrary fingerprints extracted from text? I think I could get
good spam reduction with a fingerprint composed of From: and 

I've been thinking the same thing for a long time -- this doesn't
belong in formail, and it would benefit a lot from being broken out
into its own program and generalized. In the meantime, I've been
toying with the idea to construct a phony Message-Id from the
information I do want to check against:

    * ^From:[   ]*\/[^  ].*
    { FROM=$MATCH }

    * ^Subject:[        ]*\/[^   ].*
    { SUBJ=$MATCH }

    * ? echo "<$SUBJ_$FROM>" | formail -D 8192 Dupe.cache
    { formail -rt -I"Subject: You wretched spammer you" | ... }

... but this is too warped :-) [and no, I haven't actually tested it]

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