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Re: Dealing with duplicate messages

1997-07-14 21:12:00
Timothy Luoma <luomat(_at_)peak(_dot_)org> writes:

Ok, here's another followup question.

When I get a duplicate message, I want to know where the previous dups went.  

IE today I got 3 dups of one message.  The first got filtered, the others  
ended up in my Dups mailbox, but had to go back through the logs.... Is there 
a way to find this information easier, perhaps even have it put into an  

      X-Dup: earlier copy went to 'otherbox'

Sure.  Change all of your current delivering recipes to instead of make
note in a variable of what they would have done, then check for dups,
and then (if it wasn't a dup) perform the delivery.  If all your delivering
is done with one basic form of action (e.g., they're all mailfolders, or
they're all pipe actions using appnmail), then this is easy:

        * ^Return-Path: <?procmail-request@
        { MAILBOX = procmail }

        # other such checks

        # check for duplicates
        :0 Whc: msgid.lock
        |formail -D 8192 msgid.cache

        :0 a
            # It was a dup!  Note it and send it to the Dups folder
            :0 hf
            | formail -I"X-Dups: earlier copy went to ${MAILBOX-the spool}"

            MAILBOX = Dups

        # Deliver the message using appnmail (for NeXT's Mail.App's mailboxes)
        | appnmail $MAILBOX

Even if you have several types of delivery actions you can still pull
this off, it just gets slightly more complicated.

        * ^Return-Path: <?procmail-request@
        { MAILBOX = procmail }

        * ^Subject: your cron job
        { ACTION = 'gzip >>cron.gz' }

        # check for duplicates
        :0 Whc: msgid.lock
        |formail -D 8192 msgid.cache

        :0 a
            # It was a dup!  Figure out how to describe where it went.
            # Remember: ${VAR+some text} either expands to "some text"
            # (if VAR was set) or to _nothing_ (if it wasn't), while
            # ${VAR-some text} either expands to VAR's value (if it
            # was set) or "some text" (if it wasn't).

            DEST = "${MAILBOX+to the mailbox}$MAILBOX"
            DEST = "$DEST${ACTION+via the command}${ACTION}"
            DEST = ${DEST-to the mail spool}

            # Make a note of it in the header
            :0 hf
            | formail -I"X-Dups: earlier copy delivered $DEST"

            # Change where it this copy goes
            MAILBOX = Dups

        # Should we deliver with appnmail?
        * ! ${MAILBOX+!}
        | appnmail $MAILBOX
        # ...or was it a program action?  We use eval here so that the shell
        # will reparse and notice redirections (>>'s) and other shell syntax.
        * ! ${ACTION+!}
        | eval $ACTION

Get the idea?

Philip Guenther