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Re: What am i dong wrong?

1997-07-16 12:18:00
"Iztok.Polanic1" <iztok(_dot_)polanic1(_at_)guest(_dot_)arnes(_dot_)si> writes:
I have a problem when i want to make a header.
Here is my log:

formail: formail: cannot open
procmail: Error while writing to "formail"
procmail: Rescue of unfiltered data succeeded

Either a) formail isn't installed, b) formail is installed but isn't in
procmail's default path, or c) SHELL is set to something bogus.  Try
running the command "which formail".  It should output where formail is
installed, if it is.  You'll then want to add that directory to your
path, so that if for instance it was to say:


Then you would want to add /usr/local/bin to the PATH variable in your

        PATH = /usr/local/bin:$PATH

To take care of the latter problem, add the following also at the top
of your .procmailrc (either one first):

        SHELL = /bin/sh

Philip Guenther

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