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Re: Hrm... set reply-to to the list??? (was Re: A nice spam service)

1997-07-30 09:46:00

off the list to something. A message-ID duplicate killer is better.


Something like the "X-Curtesy-Copy: never" protocol discussed in some

No.  Mail headers are too big already.

Plus, if one wants to make something part of a widely-used communications
protocol, one should check the spelling.* "Courtesy" is related to
"courtly"--behavior in (the royal) court.

*I hope the HELO thingy in SMTP was designed to fit 32 bits, and wasn't
 just a stupid mistake. :-)

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  • Re: Hrm... set reply-to to the list??? (was Re: A nice spam service), W. Wesley Groleau x4923 <=