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Re: X-PMFLAGS question

1997-08-18 12:14:27
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  Last Spring we where discussing the X-PMFLAG, and someone had a legit
reason for not killing SPAM based on this header. Only I didn't keep a copy
of the post and I can't find the post in the archives (probably due to the
hole between April and August).
  Could someone jog my memory, please. I'm considering adding it to the
kill files here at Telebyte.

The PMflags headerlines are inserted by Pegasus Email, a legitimate 
email package.  Once the author found out how many spammers were 
using it (it's easy to import mailing lists), he changed the terms of 
use to forbid its use for SPAM or UCE, and its resale to spammers by 
rogue ISPs like Spamford.  Some of the spammers, in retaliation have 
added PMflags to their headerlines whichever piece of spamtrash they 

In a completely Pegasus-based email office, the PMflags are used to 
thread messages.

Pegasus has many features and capabilites not normally found on 
Wintel software, and site-banning email based on that header would 
ban many legit users of this software.

There is an address to report misuse of Pegasus, but that's at home 
right now...

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