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Re: recipe to snag To:=From: ?

1997-09-16 12:02:15
At 02:03 PM 9/16/97 -0400, Jeff A. Earickson wrote:

days ago.  Unfortunately, it started trapping a bunch of listserv mail.

That would be expected.  Recommendation: DO NOT add such a filter to a
systemwide rc.  Such filtering makes sense AFTER users have had the
opportunity to handle the lists which they are subscribed to.

However, I've had a number of associates which have send out notifications
to a group of contacts, and used to=from (mail it to themselves, BCC: the
list).  These messages will be trashed by such a filter.  As will initial
messages from mailing lists (imagine - you subscribe to a list, but never
see the first message from it which you'd examine to add a list filter...)

Needless to say, I ceased using this sort of filter a while ago.

# We exclude anything with a Resent- header to avoid problems with
# lists that change the Reply-To: to point back to the list.

Actually, this is a clever way to attempt to avoid dumping listserve type
mail.  Unfortunatley, not all lists do this, AND many list subscriptions
are non-interactive -- they are bulletins coming from someone directly (or
aliased through the listname).  Also still doesn't handle friendly
self-list mail.

# and From: = Reply-To:

Bad.  Very bad.  This penalizes people who explicitly declare a reply-to:
on their mail (which besides being RFC822 compliant, is sometimes necessary
to work around limitations with braindead mail agents like Lotus cc:Mail
that apparently like to misinterpret the headers on list mail).

 Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the list.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
 Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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