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Re: Shell influence

1997-09-18 09:57:29
On Thu, 18 Sep 1997, era eriksson wrote:

On Tue, 9 Sep 1997 20:05:32 +0300 (EET DST),
Kimmo Jaskari <kimmo(_at_)alcom(_dot_)aland(_dot_)fi> wrote:
 > spam bouncer, but those recipes are made using the Korn shell, something
 > that's not even available on our server.
 > Could I simply substitute another shell in .procmailrc and have it
 > work, or are the differences too great?

If you're only talking about Spam Bouncer, I don't think it really
requires ksh. Join the cohorts who complain to Ariel about this
needless ksh dependency. Then change the SHELL to /bin/sh and pray it
doesn't break anything :-)

I prayed; I changed it; it broke. :)

Looks like I either need to get ksh installed or forget spam bouncer, and
right now it's a lot easier to forget spam bouncer.

          Kimmo Jaskari          | ÅLCOM - Ålands Datakommunikation Ab |
   Email: kimmo(_at_)alcom(_dot_)aland(_dot_)fi   |        
staff(_at_)alcom(_dot_)aland(_dot_)fi         | |      Phone: +358-(0)18-12122        |

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