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Re: Self-Modifying .procmailrc

1997-10-07 09:26:07
        Author:        Jari Aalto 
        Original-Date: 07 Oct 1997 18:12:12 +0300

This is great! But whatabout remote-forward-control? I want to
send mail from the current account and get mail forwarded somewhere
according to the Reply-To address:

From: me(_at_)remote(_dot_)com
Reply-To: ThisAccount(_at_)here(_dot_)com

The procmail would see if SOME-MAGIG-PASSWORD-STRING matches
and set the current forwarding to ThisAccount(_at_)here(_dot_)com(_dot_)

It would be great if the procmail responded to "me(_at_)remote(_dot_)com" that
"Forward now pointing to ThisAccount(_at_)here(_dot_)com" or "You have no
permission to change Forwarding" if the SOME-MAGIG-PASSWORD-STRING is

I wouldn't use the Reply-To because I can't always change that (I use some  
bad DOS/Win email software:

If I were really going to do this, I would start like this:

* ^From me(_at_)remote\(_dot_)com
* ^Return-Path: <me(_at_)remote\(_dot_)com>
* ^From: me(_at_)remote\(_dot_)com
* ^Subject: forward-on SOME-MAGIC-PASSWORD-STRING ()\/
* ^X-Loop: me(_at_)remote\(_dot_)com

        |formail -I"X-Loop: me(_at_)remote(_dot_)com"
        |echo "${MATCH}" > $HOME/.forwardon
        | echo "Forwarding has been set to $MATCH" |\
                Mail -s "NOTICE: set mail forwarding to $MATCH" \
                $MATCH me(_at_)remote(_dot_)com

The multiple headers should make sure that forgery is difficult, the  
'SOME-MAGIC-PASSWORD-STRING' might as well be in the Subject.

So to turn it on I'd do (from me(_at_)remote(_dot_)com):

echo ''|Mail -s "forward-on SOME-MAGIC-PASSWORD-STRING 
me(_at_)elsewhere(_dot_)com" \

It's a start....


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