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Self-Modifying .procmailrc

1997-10-06 19:21:15
        I have my .procmailrc setup to forwward email to another (email
only) account.  When I am not going to be at the account, I turn
forwarding off.
        What I'd like to be able to do is to change this state from my
(email only) account.
        I realize that this gets into a nasty kettle of fish with a
program modifying itself.  I do this on my shell without a problem.
        The simple way to do this from my email only account is to have a
specific header copy a no-forward or forward version of my .procmailrc
file to .procmailrc.
        My question is how should I deal with issues so that this won't
trash mail and procmail files.  Would calling a shell script with a delay
be enough, or are there some file locking schemes that should be used?

  Matthew Saroff  | Standard Disclaimer:  Not only do I speak for
       _____      | No one else, I don't even Speak for me.  All my 
      / o o \     | personalities and the spirits that I channel
______|_____|_____| disavow all knowledge of my activities. ;-)
  uuu    U   uuu  | 
                  | In fact, all my personalities and channeled spirits
Saroff wuz here   | hate my guts. (Well, maybe with garlic & butter...)
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