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Re: Proper for the list

1997-10-09 18:23:16
On Thu, 9 Oct 1997, J. Daniel Smith wrote:

Timothy J Luoma writes on 7 October 1997 at 22:56:51
    Author:        Wotan <wotan(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com>

And the only difference to me between asking how to strip long sigs from
mail and how to strip html is the programs required.

I'd agree with that.

procmail is a tool for processing mail. (ie 'man procmail': "     procmail - 

autonomous mail processor")

This discussion would be off-topic for the pine-list, which is a  
mail-reader, but not for a mail processor.

But this list is about *procmail* not mail-processing in general,
which could include things like "filter", Perl-based mail-processing
or even Lotus Script agents that run on incoming mail in Lotus Notes.

One very useful tool recently was detecting HTML in the body where there was 

no corrent MIME-type for HTML in the headers.  This is one of the  
more-common ways of sending SPAM.

Just as "procmail" isn't the appropriate place for most SmartList
questions (even though that's a mailing-list package written almost
entirely in procmail), neither is it the appropriate place for
discussing general SPAM issue.

Maybe not.  but it is an appropriate forum to discuss how to find and
react to certian elements in mail messages by using procmail.  The fact
that the most common form of message people want to catch is SPAM is
not relevant.
Of course there is going to be some overlap as complex SPAM-catching
heurisitcs can result in interesting procmail tricks and techniques.

The same with smartlist.  Yet, smartlist has its own list with its own
regulars.  And since I have no need for it, nor the extra time to learn
it, I have no real desire to see general smartlist issues in this forum. 
Returning to the original thread of this message, if
"some_program_to_strip_html" didn't work as a standard UNIX filter
   some_program_to_strip_html file.html [another.txt]
(reads file.html, writes  to file.txt or another.txt if specified)
it once again is a procmail issue as to how to use this program to
strip HTML.


:0 bf
* html testing
| perl-script-to-strip-html

Is a valid issue.  As is requesting how to do it. But if you object so to
using perl this way,you must also object to using sed in this fashion.
Yet, I don't recall you ever complaining about the use of sed to striip
elements out of mail.

Spirtle, n.:
        The fine stream from a grapefruit that always lands right in
        your eye.
                -- Sniglets, "Rich Hall & Friends"