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procmail's regexp quirks

1997-10-25 19:40:35
Paul Dunne asked,

| Procmail's regexps are supposed to be compatible with egrep's, are they not?

They were originally, but they have diverged.  Most of the discrepancies are
covered in the procmailrc(5) man page.


1. ^ and $ are non-zero-width and anchor to real or putative newlines (rather
   than to the zero-width start and end of a line);
2. An initial ^^ or a final ^^ anchors to the opening or closing putative
   newline respectively;
3. ^ and $ in the middle of a procmailrc regexp match to an embedded newline
   (and must be escaped to match to a caret or a dollar sign);
4. \< and \> are non-zero-width and match to a character that wouldn't be in
   a word (or to a real or putative newline) [rather than to the zero-width
   transition into or out of a word];
5. *, ?, and + in the absence of \/ are stingy rather than greedy, and that
   generally won't matter, but in the presence of \/ they are stingy to the
   left of \/ and greedy to the right of \/, while in most applications the
   leftmost wildcard on a line is the greediest and greed decreases from left
   to right.

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