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Re: Help needed with a recipe

1997-11-07 10:12:42
| Fri 97-11-07 era eriksson <era(_at_)iki(_dot_)fi> list.procmail
|  >             * [ \t]*<html>
|                    ^^
| Jari, you still have the tabs messed up. 

Ay, Ay, Ay...True. I promise to fix the doc during weekend.
In the mean time, when I'm converting the recipes, is this okay?
(Don't actually check the actual "  ", these is no literal 
\t anywhere...)

             WSPACE = "    \n"      # whitespace = space, tab newline

            *$ variable ?? [^$WSPACE]

Or should it say this sto get the correct effect? What if I want literal
$ inside bracket?

            *$ variable ?? [^$\WSPACE]

I'malso looking for a good acronyms for space-tab and
space-tab-newline (aka whitespace). The RFCs refer space tab as
LWSP, and I currently use:

             STAB   = "    "        # Space and Tab
             WSPACE = "    \n"      # whitespace = space, tab newline

I probably should use

             LWSP   = "    "        # Space and Tab
             WSPC   = "    \n"      # whitespace = space, tab newline

Is the WSPC correct abbreviation for whitespace? 


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