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Re: Pocmail on Solaris 2.5.1 in Ultra

1998-01-10 16:00:13
I've installed the binary distribution of ProcMail for Solaris in a
UltraSparc 2 , the file was instaled under /usr/bin and responds to
commands like "procmail -v"  and "procmail -h" .

      i've edited an .procmailrc file  like :

* ^Subject:.*AnyWord
| echo  date >

for root in /.procmailrc  and for anyuser on /export/home/.procmailrc

Don't forget the ':' in front of your '0:' -- your syntax is invalid
right now.  I'm not sure what your recipe is trying to do exactly. 
Do you want it to append to a file every time that mail is received,
or overwite a file?  I'll guess the former...

   TRAP="date >>"

at the top of your .procmailrc should append to this file for
all incoming mail.  Of course, just turning logging on would
tell the date/time too...

Let me know if this isn't what you're looking for.


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