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Re: Can pgnews pipe directly to procmail (was Re: procnews?)

1998-03-19 02:22:42
|       Author:        Karl Vogel 
|       Message-ID:    
| > I have a small Perl script called "pgnews" which opens a connection to
| > an NNTP server, gets unread news articles in groups of your choice, and
| > stores them in SMTP-formatted mail files.  You could then run procmail
| > on the mailbox.
| I am wondering how hard it would be to get this PERL script to feed each  
| message directly to procmail, rather than having to do the two separate  
| steps?

Sorry but this doesn't make sense. It's better to download all into a
mailbox and then run formail and procmail over whole mailbox.  it's
faster to get news directly from NNTP and store them in MBOX and when
job is done the NNTP is closed.

Would you happen to know how slow it would be if each article would
be separately feed to procmail during news is and consumes
reseurces a lot. No need to wake up sysadm.

And you can always write shell sript that first call pgpnews
and then formail&procmail. Very simple.


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