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Re: perl help, getting rid of 'Re(2)'

1998-03-30 08:11:42
On Mon, 30 Mar 1998, era eriksson wrote:

different strings too, German uses Aw: ("antwort") etc. 

There was laso a dutch version of Quarterdecks news program that
changed Re: into Antw:, it created havoc in the dutch newsgroups...

Microsoft? No, they don't mean well.
They want to earn lots of money. They do. Why should they do any
different? The only people who complain don't use their software, why
should Microsoft care?

I use both Microsoft and non-Microsoft stuff. I don't complain.

 ___   _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/  _/_/                     Andreas Sikkema
   ___/    _/   _/   _/                  
__  _/_/_/_/   _/     _/_/           Gato blanco, gato negro, lo
 _ _/    _/   _/         _/       importante es que cace ratones
___/    _/   _/    _/_/_/

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