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Re: perl help, getting rid of 'Re(2)'

1998-03-30 18:15:37
On Mar 30,  2:52pm, Timothy J Luoma wrote:
      Author:        Andreas Sikkema 
The only people who complain don't use their software, why
should Microsoft care?

Yeah, right....  No one who uses WinNT or Win95 hates the fact that they
spend a good part of their life reinstalling the OS... Sure.... make sure you
don't read
if you don't want to disturb this illusion of your life.

There are plenty of us who find ourselves having to use Win* and still
        I think that you may have interpreted a slam of MicroFlaccid as an
endorsement of MicroFlaccid.  I believe that Mr. Sikkema was being sarcastic.

Matthew Saroff
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