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perl help, getting rid of 'Re(2)'

1998-03-29 22:54:10

I am using this to get rid of a couple different new & annoying formats  
which came up,

# Filter "Re[5]:"/"Re^3:" and the like out of Subject:
*  ^Subject: *((Re: ?)*Re[[^]|Re: *Re:)
| perl -pe 's/^subject:\s*(re[][^\d]*:\s*)+/Subject: Re: /i;'

Now I am getting messages with:

Subject: Re(2)

which of course then leads to someone else with

Subject: Re: Re(2)

and so on.... and I assume there can a 'Re(3)' etc ad nauseum

Can someone show me how to tweak the above perl to catch this new absurdity?



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