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Re: Just received

1998-04-26 11:15:23
On 26 April 1998, era eriksson <era(_at_)iki(_dot_)fi> wrote:

[ excellent comments about writing anti-spam recipes from scratch ]

    Ok, quick related question.  I'm using the naive approach of
declaring spam all messages that are not specifically addressed to me:

(1) I save the messages from the mailing lists I'm subscribed to first;

(2) Then I catch the messages with well known "From:" and "Resent-From:"

(3) Then I put aside messages coming from the local mailer daemon and
    the messages sent by myself (the idea being to get back messages
    from cron jobs or messages that couldn't be delivered);

(4) At this point, I send to the spam folder all messages that don't
    match "TO_daia\>";

(5) Everything else goes to my private mailbox.

    Now, I do realize that messages Bcc:-ed to me that don't come from
well known sources are treated as spam too, but I don't receive that
many messages of this type, so I'm willing to live with this danger. :-)
My question is: are there any other problems or pitfalls with this



Dr. Liviu Daia                   e-mail:   daia(_at_)stoilow(_dot_)imar(_dot_)ro
Institute of Mathematics         web page:
of the Romanian Academy          PGP key:  finger 

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