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Re: Is Procmail Independant?

1998-05-07 13:23:08
On Thu, 7 May 1998, Philip Guenther wrote:
Procmail has no associated files, though you may want to copy formail and
lockfile as well in case recipes use them.

formail only matters is user are modifying their messages with
.procmailrc... right?  The lockfile, as I understand it, occur in the
inbox directory which happens to be local on said machine.

Also, anyone know where I place system .procmailrc so that all mail is
processed by it before going to users .procamilrc.  Is this is /etc?

It should be named /etc/procmailrc (no dot).


Thanks for the reply,

Liston Bias
Systems Administrator                         Office:  COE 310
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