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Re: procmail uses too much memory?

1998-05-28 09:17:53
Edward J. Sabol wrote:

Is your operating system a BSD variant such as FreeBSD or OpenBSD? If so,
then the problem is due to a poor implementation of the Standard C Library
system function realloc() on those platforms. A patch that works around this
is available. See the messages at

This is more a problem caused by the COW that BSD4.4 introduced with its
based VM. The next release of NetBSD (4.0) will be using an new VM
called UVM
which should adderss the COW fragmentation problem casued with the use
I believe FreeBSD is introducing its own solutions to this problem and
may be a port of UVM to OpenBSD in the pipeline.

This problem is only part of the picture though as it only amplifies the
first caused by procmail working on the whole of a large email in
memeory. Procmail
needs a compile to option to set the maximum memory buffer it will use
handling email.


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