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Re: Mlocal as procmail still did not remove $username.lock

1998-07-10 10:03:16

Era,  Thanks for your help.  But I did read all accessable FAQs and
did not see any help from them.  I did disabled all locking mechanisms
as in config.h file as below:
#define NO_fcntl_LOCK   /* uncomment any of these three if you       */
#define NO_lockf_LOCK   /* definitely do not want procmail to make   */
#define NO_flock_LOCK   /* use of those kernel-locking methods       */

And, I do not use /etc/procmailrc, nor .procmailrc under any user's
home directory.  The only change that I made to is to
replace mail by procmail in Mlocal and its associated F=, A= lines.

Seem to me a OpenWin3.x/mailtool bugs?


This doesn't really sound like a fix, but I was wondering if you have
read what the FAQ has to say about mailtool? 

/* era */

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