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Re: concurrent sendmails when forwarding

1998-08-15 16:32:59
On 15 August 1998, Karl Vogel 
On Sat, 15 Aug 1998 20:30:38 +0300, daia(_at_)stoilow(_dot_)imar(_dot_)ro 

L> Sendmail will rewrite the "From_" header (which you can probably
L> safely ignore), and it will (optionally) add a "From:" if one
L> doesn't exist, but it won't touch an _existing_ "From:".  Well,
L> actually it will encode or decode any 8-bit characters in the
L> "From:" according to the options in, but it won't
L> change the _meaning_ of the "From:".  In fact, that's exactly what
L> procmail does too in the '!' recipes.

   There's one exception to this; when you have masquerading turned
   on.  I have a (small) mailserver running on my workstation which
   uses this:

       From: info(_at_)workstation(_dot_)address

   Even with the "-t" flag, sendmail still rewrites this as

       From: info(_at_)masquerade(_dot_)address

    Well, that's what masquerading is supposed to do, isn't it?  Anyway,
if you try hard enough, you can probably find other situations in which
sendmail will mess with the "From:" (like f.i. when you change the
rewriting rules in --- but all this is not relevant in the
context of the initial question.  In that situation, all messages are
coming from outside, so masquerading doesn't have any effect on them.

    Furthermore, on an unrelated topic, using masquerading is seldom a
good idea, in my experience a better approach for most common situations
is to use a MUA that allows you to add a customized "From:" to the
outgoing messages.

   I'm strongly considering dropping sendmail completely and moving to

    Yes, quite a few people seem to like qmail.



Dr. Liviu Daia                   e-mail:   daia(_at_)stoilow(_dot_)imar(_dot_)ro
Institute of Mathematics         web page:
of the Romanian Academy          PGP key:  finger 

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