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Re: Procmail with IMAP server

1998-09-14 03:34:44
On Mon, 14 Sep 1998 10:35:16 +0100 (BST), John Beranek
<jberanek(_at_)acorn(_dot_)com> wrote:
On Fri 11 Sep, Jauder Ho wrote:
* ^TO(_dot_)*(_at_)transmeta(_dot_)com
* !^TO(.*[0-9].*@)
| dmail +INBOX
* ^From:.*CVS Automatic notification.*
| /home/jberanek/bin/x86/dmail +.Mail/CVS
Would I need to add a line similar to the "* !^TO(.*[0-9].*@)" or not?

Unclear why it's needed. It simply excludes any messages which are To:
or Cc: or Resent-To: (etc, see the documentation for the ^TO macro)
any address with numbers in it. Probably something local to Transmeta
or Jauder's personal mail processing.

Also, one last question, is it possible to deliver a message to two places,
i.e. I'd like to put some messages both in a standard mailbox and in an
IMAP folder.  I've tried something like below, but it didn't work.
* ^From:.*jberanek.*                  (Just an easy test case)
| /home/jberanek/bin/x86/dmail +.Mail/Test

You can only ever have one action for each recipe. To do more than one
thing, use a compound recipe, usually with a c flag on the first
partial action:

    * ^From:(.*\<)jberanek
        | /home/jberanek/bin/x86/dmail +.Mail/Test


As usual, trailing .*:s are never necessary on regular expressions.
See the FAQ for some additional efficiency tips;

Hope this helps,

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