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Re: Extract a string of text from the body and asing it to a

1998-10-12 11:03:44
1) How do I extract that string of text from the body, the reference number,
and assign it to a variable. The structure of the reference number is:

Please note that "REF#" is always the same, and 12345678 are 8 digits from 0
to 9 .

Something like this:

   :0 BD
   * ^REF#\/[0-9]+

   # BD means case sensitive in the body of the message
   # \/ means match everything to the right of this (so anything
   #    after 'REF#' is put into the variable $MATCH)
   # The last part sets the variable REFERENCE equal to the matched numberw
If the REF isn't always going to be at the start of a line, you can 
remove the '^' that anchors it.  The example above also lets you have
a REF that is variable in length (1 to n numeric characters), but if
you always want 8 change the second line to

   * ^REF#\/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]

This will pull the first REF# that it finds, so if you have multiple
ones you're sunk.  If you need to account for multiple ones, you'll
need some sort of scoring system set up (and a logic system to decide
which REF# is the valid one).

2) Once I extracted the reference number and asign it to a variable, let's
say $REFERENCE, how do I change the subject of the email for the variable

If you want to replace the Subject: header entirely, you can do something
like this (after the first recipe):

   :0 fhw
   | formail -I"Subject: $REFERENCE"

If you want to have the reference number in brackets before the
original Subject: (i.e. '[141251236] Need help fast'), then this
will do it:

   :0 fhw
   * ^Subject: \/.*
   | formail -I "Subject: [$REFERENCE] $MATCH"

There's probably a more elegant way to do this (David?  Era?  Philip?  :)


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