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Re: Rookie Procmail Questions

1998-11-03 11:54:18
On Tue, 3 Nov 1998 10:35:04 -0800, 
(Michael Limprecht) wrote:
If I get mail that has the word "Release" in the Subject line I want it
to go in my mail folder that is located at


  :0: # Simple Release Mail Example
  * /\Release

Coupla small corrections:

    * ^Subject:.*\<Release\>

The \< \>:s are to prevent partial word matches like "prereleases".

My old my sorter (Personal Postmaster) when it's sorting certain mail
to folders (set by the user) can pop up a mailtool and play a sound
announcing the incoming mail. I saw this as one of the features
for procmail.  I just didn't see an example.

There's an example somewhere, but the basic idea is to just

    * some condition here, perhaps (leave out to do unconditionally)
    | cat soundfile >/dev/audio

You obviously need permissions on /dev/audio for this to work (but you
do anyway, don't you).

Hope this helps,

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