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Re: trapping mail that you want in your $MAIL

1999-04-08 02:04:37
Stan - interesting - yes I see the From field at the top of all other
headers points to the originator of the message which can discriminate
between the mail directly from you and that coming from you but via the
listserv.  Instead of redoing all my recipes. is it not better to just put
as the first recipe -a SINGLE recipe something that traps all mail from any
of my subscribed listservs _and_ is either TO or CC me.  And have this mail
come straight to me.

BTW, how do I make this mail come astraight to me- i.e. stay in $MAIL?
(and not cause a mail-loop or whatever?

: Most other mailing lists don't use the Resent-* headers, so you
: need to separate based on something else.  I find the From_ header
:    ^From .*
: works best; if your ISP converts this to Return-Path, you can use that.
: Cheers,
: Stan

Eric Smith
Tel. 021 236 111
"At one point, I waited for several days for a response. As it turned out,
her computer had crashed," he says. "But for those several days, I had
no way of knowing if she had been taken in by the police, fled for safety
in the mountains, or if she had been killed."
--Berkley teenager about his email correspondence with a Kosovo girl.
If the Serbians don't get you, Microsoft will ... by crashing your computer.

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