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Re: Correctly formatting Outlook mail? (Soln attached)

1999-08-19 16:13:06
At 03:37 AM 8/18/99 , era eriksson wrote:
On Mon, 16 Aug 1999 13:46:26 -0700, Gregory Sutter 
 > Does anyone have a set of recipes that will correctly format Microsoft
 > Outlook mail?  Outlook, in typical Microsoft form, cannot quote
 > correctly.  It also encourages upside-down replys.  This bugs the crap
 > out of me.

Something like this maybe?

No idea about the recipe for match, but here's a (recursive, perl 5) perl script to do what you want...

I've set it up for cc:mail, but it should be very easy to modify for other uses. It's probably grossly inefficient, but I haven't taken much time at it..

# Copyright (C) 1999 Jonathan J. Miner
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# $Id:,v 1.6 1999/08/19 22:52:51 jmx Exp $
# Jon Miner <miner(_at_)doit(_dot_)wisc(_dot_)edu>

@hdr = ();
@message = ();
@newmsg = ();
$reply_sep = "_ Reply Separator _";
$subject_Prefix = "Subject:"
$author_prefix = "Author:";
$date_prefix = "Date:";
$message_changed = 0;
$RCSiD = '$Id:,v 1.6 1999/08/19 22:52:51 jmx Exp $';

# First suck in the headers.
while (<STDIN>) {
    last if (/^$/);
    push (@hdr,$_);

# Now, suck in the actual NEW content.
while (<STDIN>) {
    # If we see a reply separator, bail.
    last if (/$reply_sep/);
    push ( @newmsg,$_);

# Remove leading and trailing blank spaces (they annoy me).
$#newmsg-- while ($newmsg[$#newmsg] =~ /^\s*$/);
shift (@newmsg) while ($newmsg[0] =~ /^\s*$/);

if (/$reply_sep/) {
    # Only append a header if we actually do something.
    $message_changed = 1;
    # Suck in all the responses.
    @message = message();

# Print the headers.
print "$_\n" foreach (@hdr);

# Add a header if we actually did something.
print "X-Autoconverted-quoting: $RCSiD\n" if ($message_changed);

# The obligitry post-header newline.
print "\n"

# print all the quoted messages.
print "$_\n" foreach (@message);

# separate response with a space.
print "\n";

# Print the response.
print "$_\n" foreach (@newmsg);

sub message {
    # Make sure we dan't have a namespace problem.
    my @msg = ();
    my @quote = ();
    my $subject = "";
    my $from = "";
    my $date = "";

    # Grab the subject line (ccMail).
    $subject = <STDIN>;
    # Grab the from line (ccMail).
    $from = <STDIN>;
    # Grab the date line (ccMail).
    $date = <STDIN>;

    # kill the newlines.

    # Parse out the real subject.
    $subject =~ s/^$subject_prefix\s+(Re(\[\d+\])?:)?[ ]?//;
    $subject =~ s/\s+$//;

    # try to find the author's name.
    $from =~ s/^$author_prefix\s+\"?([^"<]*)\"?.*/$1/;
        $from =~ s/\s+$//;

    # Rearrange the date (ccMail).
    $date =~ s/^$date_prefix\s+(\S+) (.*)/$2 $1/;
    $date =~ s/\s+$//;

    # Such in the message
    while (<STDIN>) {
        # Stop when sigdashes are detected (even stupid "--" sigdashes).
        if (/^-- ?$/) {
            # suck in until EOF or the next reply is found.
            while (<STDIN>) {
                last if (/$reply_sep/);
        last if (/$reply_sep/);


        # Add the line to current message (with a "> " in front).
        push ( @msg,"> $_");

    # Remove leading and trailing blank spaces.
    $#msg-- while ($msg[$#msg] =~ /^>*\s*$/);
    shift (@msg) while ($msg[0] =~ /^>*\s*$/);

    # If we found another reply, recurse.
    if (/$reply_sep/) {
        my @tmp = message();
        # Add a ">" in front of the reply text.
        push (@quote, ">$_") foreach (@tmp);

        # Add a nice little Attribution.
        @msg = ("At $date $from wrote about $subject:", @quote, @msg);
    } else {
        # Add a nice little Attribution.
        @msg = ("At $date $from wrote about $subject:", @msg);

    return (@msg);

# vim: set cindent autoindent:

Jonathan J. Miner----------------------|        
Network Systems Technology             |               608/262.9655
Division of Information Technology     |      3149 Computer Science
University of Wisconsin, Madison       |         1210 W. Dayton St.
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