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Re: Multiple cat's in formail pipe?

1999-09-29 08:19:45
procmail: Executing " ($FORMAIL -rt -I "Subject: Autoreply (was : $MATCH)" \
        -A "X-Loop: $LOGNAME" \
        -I "Precedence: junk" \
        -A "X-Comment: Auto-acknowledgement" ; \
        cat $PMDIR/autoack.txt ; \
        echo " " ; \
        echo "------Original Message Follows------" ; \
        echo " "; \
        cat - ) $SENDMAIL -oi -t"
/bin/sh: syntax error at line 9: `$SENDMAIL' unexpected
procmail: Error while writing to " ($FORMAIL -rt ..........

Missing pipe between ) and $.

Also, a missing terminal \ is just that. If there is whitespace after
it, it ain't terminal and therefore does not escape the newline. This is
sometimes a pain to find, but a syntax-highlighting editor, or an editor
which moves to the last character of the next line when positioned at
the end of a line and told to move down helps to locate it.

Rik Kabel          Old enough to be an adult              

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