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Re: vacation response

2000-04-23 08:16:33
At 12:38 AM 4/23/00 -0500, David W. Tamkin wrote:

If it is important to know whether a recipient is present to read a message,
it should be sent To: him/her.  Cc: is intended for FYI'ing people who are
ancillary to the exchange, to whom the text is not directly addressed.

Quite possibly that may have been the original intent in the hearts of
the designers of RFC822.  However, today, I know of no mail client that
enables 3-way (or larger) conversations by maintaining all of the
To: entries in the outgoing To: header of replies.  The "reply-to-all"
or equivalent functions that I know of all put one address in the
To: header and everything else into Cc:.  Perhaps you know of one
that operates differently?

Happy Egg Day,

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