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generating vacation response

2000-04-24 21:46:17
With all those good tips from the list I had a go as well - phew!! Too
many details to take care of. :-(

One comment: to the list of conditions for finding a msg worth replying to
(by returning a vacation msg) I have added the ast line, ignoring msgs
generated by cron or lpd:

* !^Approved-By:
* !^BestServHost:
* !^List-Id:
* !^Resent-(Message-ID|Sender):
* !^Sender: .*-errors@
* !^Sender: owner-
* !^X-[^:]*-List:
* !^X-(Authentication-Warning|Listprocessor-Version|Mailman-Version):
* !^X-Sent-To:
* !^X-Loop: YOURNAME out of office
* !$^From +$LOGNAME(@| |$)

Two questions:

Is there an easier way calling sed without having to do all that quoting
calling sed a second time to make sure sed (the first) doesn't barf?

  * ^Subject: \/.*
  { }
  :0 hfw
  | formail -rI"Precedence: junk" \
        -I"Subject: Out of office [$MATCH]" \
        -A"X-Loop: volker out of office"
  :0 bfw
  | ( S="`echo $MATCH | sed -e 's,/,\\/,g' -e 's/&/\\\\&/g' `"; \
    sed -e 's/\$SUBJECT/'"$S"'/g' <$PROCDIR/procmail_vacationmsg; \
    echo ""; \
    awk '{print "> "$0}'; )

Can the awk part be done by sed as well? My answer is no, but I don't
know sed too well. I know it could be done by either GNU awk or solaris
nawk, but definitely not by solaris awk as that's so obnoxiously limited,
but this raises a compatibility issue.



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