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RE: generating vacation response

2000-04-25 18:42:26
Sorry, I haven't been following this thread very closely.  I'm wondering
if you can gain by turning off SHELLMETAS there but I'm not even going
to attempt to examine that part!

But anyway...

At 01:48 AM 4/26/00 +0200, Dallman Ross wrote:


    :0 wih  # not sure if ] or } or ) really are probs - see SHELLMETAS
    * SUBJ ?? ['"`&@!$(/)\[{\]}\\|]

Note that \ does not escape things inside a character class []; it's just
a literal backslash.  That's probably OK here (you have more than one);
however, the character class is going to end with the first "]" and then
you aren't very likely to match the "}\\|]" at the end.

If you want "]" in a character class, put it first:
matches "]" plus the characters a through z.  I can't remember what
you do if you want both a "]" and a "-" (since "-" also wants to be
first) but that doesn't seem to be the case here.

I think yours then becomes
     * SUBJ ?? []'"`&@!$(/\)[{}|]


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