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Re: generating vacation response

2000-04-25 11:26:06
2000-04-25-00:38:11 Volker Kuhlmann:
One comment: to the list of conditions for finding a msg worth replying to
(by returning a vacation msg) I have added the ast line, ignoring msgs
generated by cron or lpd:

Thanks for the tip. And now that you point it out to me, collapsing
common substrings using (...|...) isn't so cryptic, as long as the
patterns in question aren't doing too many other things. So I've
factored out a bunch more of the patterns in the latest version.

* !^X-Loop: YOURNAME out of office

You're working way, way harder than I am to try and send as many of
these vacation notices as you possibly can. I figure if it has an
X-Loop in it at all, it's program-generated and I'm not sending a
vacation reply, no matter what's after the :. In fact, that X-Loop
is redundant; it'll only be there because of your very own vacation
dingus, and your vacation dingus also tucks in Precedence: junk,
which gets bounced by FROM_DAEMON. Be more open to not sending
vacation replies. Autoresponders should be as conservative as
possible, witness the recent accidental "I'll read your email as
soon as I can" friendly note someone's auto-responder sent to this
mailing list:-).

Is there an easier way calling sed without having to do all that quoting
calling sed a second time to make sure sed (the first) doesn't barf?

How about a different tool? Perhaps

        | (m4 -DSUBJECT="$MATCH" $PROCDIR/procmail_vacationmsg; \
           sed 's/^/> /')

I'd leave the blank line on the end of procmail_vacationmsg, myself.


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