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Re: Outlook Date Overflow Recipe problem

2000-08-03 07:26:37
Kip asked,

| Occassionally in the following will show up in some of the e-mail bounces
| (they get copied to the admins):
| "
| procmail: Incomplete recipe
| procmail: Extraneous locallockfile ignored
| procmail: Skipped "-i "Date: $DATETIME"\  "
| procmail: Skipped "-i "X-Security: Detected Microsoft Outlook / Outlook
| Express GMT Field\"
| procmail: Skipped "Vulnerability"
| procmail: Skipped ". See\"
| procmail: Skipped "http"
| procmail: Unexpected EOL
| procmail: Skipped "// for details. rcfile by
| jn(_at_)h6(_dot_)de
| }

| It seems to be coming from this recipe that I copied off this list:


| :0 Af
| |formail\
| # Rename Date: field to Old-Date:, set new Date
|  -i "Date: $DATETIME"\
| # In case X-Security already exists (Hi John) we take -i, not -A
|  -i "X-Security: Detected Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express GMT Field\
|  Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. See\
| for details.\
|  rcfile by jn(_at_)h6(_dot_)de"

| Any ideas on what is happening with this recipe?

Get the interrupting comments out of the way; backslash continuation can't
work around comments.  Also, put spaces before the backslashes or the text
will be run together.

  # Rename Date: field to Old-Date:, set new Date
  # In case X-Security already exists (Hi John) we take -i, not -A
  :0 Af
  |formail \
   -i "Date: $DATETIME" \
   -i "X-Security: Detected Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express GMT Field \
   Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. See \ for details. \
   rcfile by jn(_at_)h6(_dot_)de"

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