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Re: Filtering outputs from multiple machines.

2000-08-14 15:18:36

On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Steven Harrison wrote:

I've been scratching my head over this problem for some time now, and I
just can't seem to see the solution.

I have over 350 servers that all send their cron outputs to me. Currently,
I have procmail matching the word cron in the subject line and it's
shovelled off to it's own folder.

All the machines have a FQDN of the form:

where PROJECT is the name of the project the machine belongs to, ST is the
state in which the machine resides in and ## is a number (sometimes one
or two digits long).

I'd like procmail to be able to read the from line, and then shovel all
mail from each project into it's own folder. For instance, mail coming
from zenith-ny01, zenith-ga02 and zenith-fl23 will all be pushed into the
zenith folder. Anything else should be dropped in my inbox

Perhaps something along the lines of 

* ^From .*zenith


* ^From .*\/zenith-..\d+

Untested (of course!)

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