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Re: gosh, I wish I could use it

2000-09-09 19:32:42
John Summerfield said about Linux,

| AFAIK pretty well all distros install procmail by default and configure 
| sendmail to do it. So, all you need is your .procmailrc file(s) on your
| Linux box.

So I understood, but there is much more to learn about administering and
running one's own system besides getting procmail in place.

| The time you've already spent stuffing around on boxes you don't control
| would have been ample to set it up on one you do;-) The only hard part
| about procmail is the recipes.

Ah, but you see, I learned how to stuff around on others' boxes and how to
write procmail recipes at a much less stressed time of my life. and in that
era I did not own a box capable of running Linux, nor were there today's
inexpensive ways (such as PPP to a retail provider) for an end user to be
live on the net.  Unlucky timing, I guess.  Now that those things are af-
fordable, my life is enervatingly full of demands and interruptions, and I
haven't the spare brain cycles to learn them.

The irony is that if I could get over the hump with Linux, I could make use
of what I've learned as a Unix user and not have to crowd my brain with Win-
dows crud.  But the Windows crud comes in particle by particle (or perhaps
Isaiah 28:10 says it better), while Linux administration and maintenance
would be a huge gulp to swallow at once.

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