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Re: more doubts

2001-01-16 12:36:13
At 11:10 2001-01-16 -0200, João Paulo Andrade did say:
I have this block in my


FTR - the VERSION of sendmail is useful (and for that matter, Procmail). Otherwise, one is left to examining your mail headers and hoping that _your_ server is the one the message is originating with (and even that often doesn't reveal version info). However, that said, this isn't a sendmail support group, so the specific flags used for this tweak to your MTA configuration might best be discussed in a sendmail group.

and change to this?
Mlocal, P=/usr/bin/procmail, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qSPfhn9, S=10/30, R=20/40,
            A=procmail -Y -a $h -d $u

Is this automatic when i install procmail???

No! Procmail may be used as a .forward-invoked program, or utilized manually via a shell. If you want configuration changes to other programs one should make them yourself - that's the only way .

In your sendmail script (see your sendmail build docs), you could add:

define(`PROCMAIL_MAILER_PATH', `/usr/bin/procmail')dnl

(if you don't currently attempt to maintain your through the M4 configurations by which sendmail builds the base files, then when you upgrade sendmail, you put yourself in a world of hurt as you have to manually migrate most of your configuration specifics -- invariably there will be things which aren't handled by the M4 files, but it the beef of it is, upgrades are much easier)

My Mlocal config (also a more recent version of sendmail than either you or your ISP - whichever is listed in your message headers), is:

Mlocal, P=/usr/bin/procmail, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qSPfhn9Z,
                S=EnvFromL/HdrFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL, T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,
                A=procmail -Y -a $h -d $u

(some of these options, esp the S= and R= require other specific configurations in the (sender and receiver rewrite rulesets - by this version, they have _names_ rather than simply numbers), and the Z flag is something I defined to support envelope-from/to header macros elsewhere in the config script). Aside from these version-specific differences, your config line should be just fine.

 Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the list.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
 Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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